Large investments in technology

TEMSA is a company that has always bet on technology as being the starting point to go further. Since 2008 a large part of the budget has been invested in machinery to become a worldwide technological reference in the manufacturing of special single unit parts just in time.
TEMSA has always known to identify its clients’ needs and that one of those is to be a technological ally for their tools needs. This wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the powerful machinery used by highly trained team. Our production staff, who is young yet have considerable experience in the sector, are constantly experimenting with how to obtain the greatest benefits from each and every machine available.

img 1 capacitacion tecnologica



(Thousands of euros)



The secret to success isn’t only in having powerful machinery, but in dominating all of the processes and applying them when they should be used. In this way TEMSA provides a large variety of CNC processes which allows us to implement a multitude of solutions adapted to each tool. Soft and hard turning, internal and external grinding machines, robot cells, EDM by penetration, wire EDM, hard high speed machining with 3 or 4 axes, are applied depending on requirement of the tool and in a controlled flow by the ERP created by TEMSA which allows 100% traceability and an analysis of the process which few companies in our sector are able to offer.
The future is just around the corner. The R&D teams from the company are now working on new production processes so that they can be put to use soon. For that reason regular visits are made to the facilities of the leading suppliers of machinery in the market to find the machines best adapted to the needs of the company, and only for their clients.


· Wire EDM CNC – 5
· Spark EDM CNC – 4 + 2 Robots
· High speed milling – 5 + 2 Robots
· Internal grinder (only CNC) – 6
· Internal grinder robot cell – 1
· External grinder (only CNC) – 2
· External grinder for punches with robot – 2
· Plane surface grinding machine – 3
· Hard turning CNC lathes – 4
· CMM – 4
· Profilometer (contracer) – 4

· Hard CNC lathes – 4

· Three-dimensional verifiers – 4

· Profilometers – 4


TEMSA is a supplier which specializes in covering all of the business areas in its sector: the design and installation of the production processes for its clients; manufacturing the necessary tools for such processes; and the production of raw material for the tools.


Our commercial network reaches all corners of the planet. TEMSA exports more than 70% of its production.
mapa mundial temsa